Extensive experience in ERP development and regulatory submission to meet compliance objectives for AER, OGC, NEB, CEPA.
Customized training and strategic review delivered to stakeholders to optimize performance and effectively manage emergencies.
Tabletop and full scale exercises (design and implementation) to verify competency, plan effectiveness, and regulatory compliance.
Development and deployment of business continuity plans to ensure organizational resiliency.
Online Information Management services for immediate access to critical and current information.
Emergency Operations Centre (EOC):
Incident Command System (ICS) expertise pertaining to well control operations, pipeline failures, releases, spills, and fatalities.
Functional EOC capabilities for ICS-based response at all levels of organization.
EOC support is managed through a variety of resources such as deployment of personnel, technical and regulatory advise, planning, and online management.
Online resources are available through the v-EOC.
Investigation of Incidents:
Technical investigations and reporting to meet both regulatory requirements and internal risk management objectives. This includes causal analysis and recommendations to prevent or mitigate future loss.
Technical investigations have been conducted on major incidents and losses – including fatalities, blowouts, pipeline failures, workplace injuries, pollution of free flowing bodies of water.
Reports have been prepared for and accepted by the AER, OGC, Worksafe BC, Alberta OHS, Manitoba WSH, and numerous insurance underwriters.
Please contact us for further information on Emergency Management service offerings.